Knowing your core values, your most important ones will help guide you and help you make better decisions, that are aligned with who you are.
This list is here to aid you in Discovering Your Values.
Simply copy or print the values and go through them, marking the ones that resonate with you, then order them by priority.
Pick out the ones that stand out to you the most. The ones where you think “Hey, that’s me”. You might find some of these values to be negatives, it doesn’t matter. What you want is to find your core values.
Keep in mind that this list is not exhaustive. If you come up with values that are important to you but absent from the list, by all means add it. You will find that some of these values are synonyms or fit into the same category. That will help you later on when defining your values clearly.
- Abundance
- Acceptance
- Accessibility
- Accomplishment
- Accountability
- Accuracy
- Achievement
- Acknowledgement
- Activeness
- Adaptability
- Adoration
- Adroitness
- Advancement
- Adventure
- Affection
- Affluence
- Aggressiveness
- Agility
- Alertness
- Altruism
- Amazement
- Ambition
- Amusement
- Anticipation
- Appreciation
- Approachability
- Approval
- Art
- Articulacy
- Artistry
- Assertiveness
- Assurance
- Attentiveness
- Attractiveness
- Audacity
- Availability
- Awareness
- Awe
- Balance
- Beauty
- Being the best
- Belonging
- Benevolence
- Bliss
- Boldness
- Bravery
- Brilliance
- Buoyancy
- Calmness
- Camaraderie
- Candor
- Capability
- Care
- Carefulness
- Celebrity
- Certainty
- Challenge
- Change
- Charity
- Charm
- Chastity
- Cheerfulness
- Clarity
- Cleanliness
- Clear-mindedness
- Cleverness
- Closeness
- Comfort
- Commitment
- Community
- Compassion
- Competence
- Competition
- Completion
- Composure
- Concentration
- Confidence
- Conformity
- Congruency
- Connection
- Consciousness
- Conservation
- Consistency
- Contentment
- Continuity
- Contribution
- Control
- Conviction
- Conviviality
- Coolness
- Cooperation
- Cordiality
- Correctness
- Country
- Courage
- Courtesy
- Craftiness
- Creativity
- Credibility
- Cunning
- Curiosity
- Daring
- Decisiveness
- Decorum
- Deference
- Delight
- Dependability
- Depth
- Desire
- Determination
- Devotion
- Devoutness
- Dexterity
- Dignity
- Diligence
- Direction
- Directness
- Discipline
- Discovery
- Discretion
- Diversity
- Dominance
- Dreaming
- Drive
- Duty
- Dynamism
- Eagerness
- Ease
- Economy
- Ecstasy
- Education
- Effectiveness
- Efficiency
- Elation
- Elegance
- Empathy
- Encouragement
- Endurance
- Energy
- Enjoyment
- Entertainment
- Enthusiasm
- Environmentalism
- Ethics
- Euphoria
- Excellence
- Excitement
- Exhilaration
- Expectancy
- Expediency
- Experience
- Expertise
- Exploration
- Expressiveness
- Extravagance
- Extroversion
- Exuberance
- Fairness
- Faith
- Fame
- Family
- Fascination
- Fashion
- Fearlessness
- Ferocity
- Fidelity
- Fierceness
- Financial independence
- Firmness
- Fitness
- Flexibility
- Flow
- Fluency
- Focus
- Fortitude
- Frankness
- Freedom
- Friendliness
- Friendship
- Frugality
- Fun
- Gallantry
- Generosity
- Gentility
- Giving
- Grace
- Gratitude
- Gregariousness
- Growth
- Guidance
- Happiness
- Harmony
- Health
- Heart
- Helpfulness
- Heroism
- Holiness
- Honesty
- Honor
- Hopefulness
- Hospitality
- Humility
- Humor
- Hygiene
- Imagination
- Impact
- Impartiality
- Independence
- Individuality
- Industry
- Influence
- Ingenuity
- Inquisitiveness
- Insightfulness
- Inspiration
- Integrity
- Intellect
- Intelligence
- Intensity
- Intimacy
- Intrepidness
- Introspection
- Introversion
- Intuition
- Intuitiveness
- Inventiveness
- Investing
- Involvement
- Joy
- Judiciousness
- Justice
- Keenness
- Kindness
- Knowledge
- Leadership
- Learning
- Liberation
- Liberty
- Lightness
- Liveliness
- Logic
- Longevity
- Love
- Loyalty
- Majesty
- Making a difference
- Marriage
- Mastery
- Maturity
- Meaning
- Meekness
- Mellowness
- Meticulousness
- Mindfulness
- Modesty
- Motivation
- Mysteriousness
- Nature
- Neatness
- Nerve
- Noncomformity
- Obedience
- Open-mindedness
- Openness
- Optimism
- Order
- Organization
- Originality
- Outdoors
- Outlandishness
- Outrageousness
- Partnership
- Patience
- Passion
- Peace
- Perceptiveness
- Perfection
- Perkiness
- Perseverance
- Persistence
- Persuasiveness
- Philanthropy
- Piety
- Playfulness
- Pleasantness
- Pleasure
- Poise
- Polish
- Popularity
- Potency
- Power
- Practicality
- Pragmatism
- Precision
- Preparedness
- Presence
- Pride
- Privacy
- Proactivity
- Professionalism
- Prosperity
- Prudence
- Punctuality
- Purity
- Rationality
- Realism
- Reason
- Reasonableness
- Recognition
- Recreation
- Refinement
- Reflection
- Relaxation
- Reliability
- Relief
- Religiousness
- Reputation
- Resilience
- Resolution
- Resolve
- Resourcefulness
- Respect
- Responsibility
- Rest
- Restraint
- Reverence
- Richness
- Rigor
- Sacredness
- Sacrifice
- Sagacity
- Saintliness
- Sanguinity
- Satisfaction
- Science
- Security
- Self-control
- Selflessness
- Self-reliance
- Self-respect
- Sensitivity
- Sensuality
- Serenity
- Service
- Sexiness
- Sexuality
- Sharing
- Shrewdness
- Significance
- Silence
- Silliness
- Simplicity
- Sincerity
- Skillfulness
- Solidarity
- Solitude
- Sophistication
- Soundness
- Speed
- Spirit
- Spirituality
- Spontaneity
- Spunk
- Stability
- Status
- Stealth
- Stillness
- Strength
- Structure
- Success
- Support
- Supremacy
- Surprise
- Sympathy
- Synergy
- Teaching
- Teamwork
- Temperance
- Thankfulness
- Thoroughness
- Thoughtfulness
- Thrift
- Tidiness
- Timeliness
- Traditionalism
- Tranquility
- Transcendence
- Trust
- Trustworthiness
- Truth
- Understanding
- Unflappability
- Uniqueness
- Unity
- Usefulness
- Utility
- Valor
- Variety
- Victory
- Vigor
- Virtue
- Vision
- Vitality
- Vivacity
- Volunteering
- Warmheartedness
- Warmth
- Watchfulness
- Wealth
- Willfulness
- Willingness
- Winning
- Wisdom
- Wittiness
- Wonder
- Worthiness
- Youthfulness
- Zeal
Be sure to read How To Discover Your Values, for a walkthrough of how to use this list to discover your own values.
And if you’re curious, here are My Values.
This list of values is the same Steve Pavlina used to help find and prioritise his values.