Today I’m going to show you how I get out of a lousy mental state in a matter of seconds!
A lousy mental state is a state that feels bad, like depression, frustration, anger, sadness, being pissed off or being annoyed.
The most important thing to understand is focus.
Focus is super important.
Focus determines what you pay attention to.
If you focus on something specific with all your attention everything else blurs to the background. Only the object being focused on stays in sight.
When I am in a lousy state if I indulge in this state and don’t do anything about it, it just spirals out of control and gets worse. I simply feel terrible. It seems like it’s never going to stop.
But once you understand that it’s all a matter of focus and perspective you can change your state in seconds. Literally!
What I like to do when I find myself in this kind of state is to take a piece of paper and start writing what I’m feeling, describing what the state I’m in feels like. This forces me to focus on description. And in a matter of three or four sentences everything changes almost instantly. If you don’t believe me I don’t blame you, I couldn’t believe it myself when I did it the first couple times. But when you see the results it’s amazing! You may need to write a little more than four sentences but it is well worth it.
Another thing that works extremely well is changing your physiology. If your sitting, get up, run around, do some kind of physical exercise, do something goofy, something that forces you to change your state.
With practice, once you get used to doing this you’ll be able to shift your state faster and faster. This is a habit. You need to cultivate it.
The next time you feel down, unmotivated or depressed, simply remember that all you need to do is shift your focus.