As this day comes to an end, it’s currently 11:18 pm as I’m writing these words, I have been guilted into writing something.
I thought I might get away with a day of not posting anything, but I’m starting to feel bad not having posted anything yet. It’s almost as if I’m disappointing myself if I stop. Besides, it’s fun to keep daily posts.
I committed to 30 days of daily posts and I found it was a great experience. Having to create something every day, no matter the weather or how I feel, was a new experience and I enjoyed it.
Now, it feels like that productivity hack where you’re told to make a red X on your calendar when you do your daily task. The goal is to make an X every day, then not to break the chain you’ve created. Thats what it feels like. I don’t want to break the chain.
There is no clear direction as to where my writing is going, other than me writing about what I want. It’s fun to put into words some thoughts.
The momentum built up from repetitive daily steps adds up and can give you a nudge when you need it.
Now, it’s 11:42, I can go back to bed without mentally torturing myself.
Time to hit publish.
Let’s see where all this goes . . .