

We seek them out all the time. Or they come to us.

We can’t stand boredom.

We indulge cheap entertainment.

An easy movie. A glance at a social media feed. Just checking the time on your phone. A youtube video.

It’s easy to waste time without having to think about it. An easy way to numb the feeling of boredom, to numb life.

Everything is grabbing for your attention. A blinking light here, a colourful poster there. Buy now ! FREE! Two for one!

I can spend a day glued to a screen without feeling a day has gone by, and having done nothing productive. There is so much information you need to filter it out. Eliminate.

Your attention is precious.

If you want to do creative work, boredom is important.

It’s often in the boring moments that ideas have the time and space to surface in the fog of your busy mind.

The next time you get bored, sit in it. Think twice before reaching for your phone. Just stay with it. Experience what it’s like. Listen to your mind. Develop self-awareness. Observe how you embrace the discomfort. Let your busy brain cool down. The world isn’t going to melt if you don’t check your phone. Take a look around. Think. Listen. Feel.

See what happens.

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