Plans from memory do play
On the tapestry of my being
As i identify too small
With being, i do loose touch
At the thought
An open gasp
A nonchalant laughter
Being returns
Breath intoxicates the nostrils
Of one who ignored it so long
Plans from memory do play
On the tapestry of my being
As i identify too small
With being, i do loose touch
At the thought
An open gasp
A nonchalant laughter
Being returns
Breath intoxicates the nostrils
Of one who ignored it so long
Oh guru !
So still
Stiller than body
Anchored to the core
The mind making ripples
A taste of the depth
But body needs to pee
Can’t you let me be?
Still, but still body needs tending
O Partenaire
J’en attends de toi
Mes yeux t’ont vu maintes fois faire mieux
J’en attends point moins de moi
Rendre ces lieux fastidieux?
Ou bien les rendre merveilleux?
Un choix quotidien
Y mettre du sien
De l’odieux au mélodieux
J’en attends de toi
Mes yeux t’ont vu maintes fois faire mieux
J’en attends point moins de toi
Rendre ces lieux fastidieux?
Ou bien les rendre merveilleux?
Un choix quotidien
Y mettre du tien
Va de l’odieux au mélodieux
Ce village qui au secours cria
Englouti dans l’orage du Blitz
Où l’humain commis le plus moche
Brûlé tout entier, seul ses murs tiennent encore
Des cris cristallisés dans la pierre qui réverbèrent encore
Un supplice porté sous les regards de passants impuissants
Mon coeur ouvert marchant ses ruelles
En cette sainte amour, Ouradour cria
Reçue des oreilles d’un maître du kriya
Sa grace coula sur ces quelques pierres qu’elle toucha
Soulageant leurs cris avec un peu de douceur
Plantant quelques graines qui pourraient donner des fleurs
Founded in ignorance.
Dumb I survive.
Dumb and Dumber.
Who is the founder?
All I get is dumber.
The more you try the dumber you get.
And yet,
A cloud,
A gaze at the sky,
And Dumb you fall again.
Too Dumb I’ll eternally be
Steeped in dumbness.
Someday I’ll essentially be
Dumb found dead.
Si facile de se percevoir exclus.
L’important: Tu es déjà inclus.
Telle est la réalité.
L’impossible: Être exclus.
Si possible de se percevoir exclus.
S’identifier à son corps, à son mental, c’est fatal.
Et pourtant on ne peut plus banal.
Ton mental ne veut qu’une chose.
Être inclus.
Dissous les barrières que t’as construit sans le savoir.
Sors de ta cage protectrice.
C’est toi qui l’a construite.
C’est à toi de la déconstruire.
Une chaleur maternelle qui inclut.
Une froideur eternelle qui exclut.
L’un relache. L’autre contracte.
Un désire d’union universel.
Tout commence par toi.
Tout n’est que miroir de soi.
Inclure même celui qui ne t’inclus pas.
T’ouvrir à celles et ceux que tu n’aimes pas.
Inclure même le plus abominable imaginable.
Inclure même celui qui te crucifie.
Arriver à reconnaitre l’ignorance des autres.
Et quand bien même les inclure jusqu’au bout.
Que tu ais ou non des apôtres.
Je n’y suis pas encore.
En corps, je suis, doté de mental.
Ensuite, je suis, donné au fatal.
Si simple et si banal.
L’ardent désire d’être inclus.
Perçu exclus donc déçu.
Les autres ne sont pas comme moi.
Ne pensent pas forcément à moi.
N’ont pas forcément la foi.
Qui es-tu donc toi?
Inclus les donc.
L’essentiel c’est que tu croîs.
Ton guide est ta joie.
Tant qu’elle grandit t’es sur la bonne voie.
On today’s auspicious Buddha Poonami, that is, the full moon attributed to Gautama the Buddha’s Enlightenment day let’s talk about transcending boundaries.
There is a quote from Sadhguru that I love. It is also happens to be the quote I hate the most. It inspires me and it threatens me completely and constantly. It makes me profoundly uncomfortable. Yet I keep coming back to it again and again.
“It takes a completely different kind of consciousness and awareness to stretch yourself to your ultimate limit without anyone’s expectations. That takes something else within you. Right now you are not like that. You are only driven by people’s expectations. So let them expect bigger and bigger things from you. You manage the situations to the extent you can manage them. Some things will always be out of control, and the more things you get into, the more things will be going wrong in your life. But many more things will be going right also. The quality of your life, or the success of your life need not be measured in terms of fulfilling something. It needs to be measured in terms of whether you are giving yourself totally or not. What has to happen will happen according to your capability, the situations, and how everything falls together – many things are included in this. But are you giving yourself hundred percent to whatever you care for in your life? That’s the question.” – Sadhguru
I look at a tree, a bird, a bee. They are all doing their best every day. They get up at sunrise and do their best.
But me? Well… you know… so many excuses… so much comfort… so much…
I hate this quote because it tickles the exact point I don’t want to be tickled because I know that I’m bound to be uncomfortable if I indulge in this.
The best living examples I’ve seen of this are David Goggins and Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev. They are just fully on every day. I’ve also seen a several Isha Volunteers with this quality.
I love this because it challenges me to be my best in every moment of my life. To give everything I have. I hate this because I see how self evidently it is not at all the case for me. I rarely go to bed thinking today I have given everything I could. Yet I know from experience that when I do those are the most fulfilling days. I can clearly see I have not given my best every moment.
I hate this because I makes me realise how much I delude myself.
There is a tendency to self-flagelate. To self-punish because you aren’t where you want to be. Because you aren’t doing whatever standard you are striving for. Yes, you don’t have to do that shit. But if you do, let it become fertiliser for your growth.
I hate this because it shows me how much I rely on others in order to act. Your friends, lover, coworkers, people in society aren’t holding themselves to such a standard of excellence. Why the hell would you? Why put yourself through such a demanding standard every moment of your life?
That is the fundemental question.
That single question will come up and challenge the slightest discomfort in your life. “WHY.” Three letters that can unravel most minds and make you quit.
Why indeed?
Because you’re gonna die. Yet another truth most conveniently set aside by most. Yes, you are going to die. No question about it. It is the only guarantee in our little life, on this little planet, somewhere in the middle of nowhere.
Why not see what the hell you’re capable of before that inevitable fate happens? Why not see what you’re capable of giving before you die? Oh, wait, but you want something in return? Some form of compensation? Some insurance? A reward perhaps? No such thing. Only death. And perhaps the knowledge of whether you gave it all or not.
You want people to see all that you have done? You want praise? Appreciation for your actions? How many more things are you expecting before you give?
What if you are given absolutely nothing? Or just enough to survive? Would you still give your best? Will you still give your best?
And also that list of conveniently never-ending excuses:
Yes, all that may be true. But can you still give yourself and be your best? Squeeze every drop of life out of your system before you die?
Perhaps Perhaps Perhaps. Let me think about that. I’ll let you know. Maybe tomorrow…
Comfort or Excellence?
Can you strive for excellence without imposing it onto others? Can you be an example rather than an empty preacher?
Remember, you become what you give. You do not become what you keep. It is also 100% guaranteed you will die.
Why not go out burning bright? Or do you want to die stifled, crippled, depressed, full of unexpressed life?
To Burn and go out like a Fireball. Or to wither away… life unexpressed.
The Need That Goes
The need to go.
I went there.
The need to know.
I got there.
Now, I am here.
Rowing, running, studying.
Money, Love, Happiness.
Italia, Australia, India.
In pleasure or pain,
In heaven or hell,
Still, I am.
Sadhana works its magic slowly.
Slowly the need to go weakens.
I am here. Fully here, accepting.
Married, carried, buried.
Still, I am here.
Formless yet ever present.
When I touch it,
When I touch myself,
My Aha!
There goes a tear.
And another.
Now another.
Maya is clear.
For I am here.
This morning I woke up and wanted to continue sleeping. I was awake. My body had had enough sleep. But my mind wanted to stay in bed and sleep.
I wondered: Am I trying to be a Sleeping Beauty?
I recently watched Sleeping Beauty for the 3rd time in my life. This time it was different. The first time I watched it as a kid. The second time I watched it out of curiosity to see if I still enjoyed the classic. This time I watched it conscious of the archetypal story and the underlying symbolism.
It’s a classic representation of parents trying to overprotect a child from the forces of evil in the world. The king and queen decide to celebrate the birth of their daughter Aurora, and invite the whole kingdom conveniently excluding Maleficent – the personification of Evil.
Maleficent, uninvited, nevertheless shows up and casts a deadly spell on the child. Sleep and unconsciousness is chosen over facing the realities of life. The parents choose to shroud their daughter in ignorance so that nothing ever happens to her. She is consequently isolated from the world.
Aurora eventually fall in love with the first man she sees. Inevitably the maleficent forces happen as you cannot suppress them. The princess falls asleep and drifts into unconsciousness that can only be reversed by true love’s first kiss.
The prince gets trapped and wants to see his love. He needs to face his fears. He needs to go though the hero arch and face the dragon with the sword of truth and the shield of virtue.
Once the forces of good triumph over the forces of evil, the veil of unconsciousness is lifted. Now the prince and princess can marry. The story ends with them dancing at their wedding, Aurora wearing an alternating pink and blue dress.
All of this unfolds in a couple minutes on the screen. There are many ways to look at this story. Fundamentally, as all good archetypical stories do, it depicts our human experience, and how the mind functions.
The masculine and feminine principles are respectively incarnated by Phillip, the prince, and Aurora, the princess. The protector aspect is incarnated by the parents of Aurora. The magic of life is incarnated by the 3 fairies, Flora, Fauna and Merryweather. And of course the destructive aspect of life is incarnated by Maleficent.
How many times do we avoid situations with sleep? With unconsciousness? How many times do we avoid life?
Logic favors overprotection and avoidance. But you can’t avoid life. You can’t avoid death either. You must face reality. Many times this will take courage. There will be many challenges. In the end, truth and virtue always prevail. The masculine and feminine principles can only dance and unify if you have the courage to wake up and face the world.
And so there I am, in my bed, pondering if I’m acting like a sleeping beauty. I know what I need. I know I want to get up. But I’m still drawn to stay here in my bed and sleep.
That’s the whole point of the story. Simply get up and face the world. No need to plant more seeds of unconsciousness. The birds and bees are already going about their day.
Get up sleeping beauty…
You fireball yearning for peak intensity
Pyre of vitality
You defy gravity
Unusually called for the urn, you confuse
You fireball of vitality
You all consuming propensity
Your heat dissolving density
Where birth and death fuse
Essence de vie en quelques symbols
En santé, politique, affaires, et religion
National, international, englobant l’humanité
Transcendant ces frontières spatio-temporelles
Laisse monter ces serpents sacrés
Va au-delà de la pomme d’Adam
Et touche enfin la pomme de pin
C’est là que l’humain devient divin
De ce sanctum sacrum à ce sanctum pinéal
Longeant ce fameux fourreau crânio-caudal
Le droit et le gauche entortillent ces vertèbres
Un seul mot où le masculin et le féminin fusionnent
Un ascenseur serpentin pour ta conscience
Raffine ton essence pour qu’elle ascensionne
Quand tu l’harmonises avec les astres
Tu n’idéalises plus toutes ces autres castes
Puisque t’as compris que ce qu’elles décrivent
Ne sont que paraboles de l’expérience humaine
Tout le monde cherche la même chose
Rendre son expérience plus plaisante
L’ascension? Atteindre l’éveil?
Le réveil, la lumière, la conscience
Tous captés par l’essence de la pomme de pin
Sécrétant ses substances dont cette essence jouissive
Cette essence vitale qui entortille ce sceptre sacré
Pour éclore en son extrémité crâniale
L’expérience humaine
Comment la rendre la plus plaisante possible?
Comment atteindre l’apogée du plaisir?
En s’alignant avec les principes de ce caducée
Élever son niveau de conscience
Pour cela il existe une science
Cette science c’est le yoga
Nul besoin d’être ingénieux pour monter l’ascenseur
Il suffit de suivre quelques instructions extérieures
Ce n’est qu’une simple question d’ingénierie intérieure
Le Soleil et la Lune
Le Soleil et la Lune
Des merveilles qui font rarement la une
L’oseille et la thune
Dès l’réveil l’ardent désir de fortune
Avoir la paye, éviter les prunes
Tout est une question de salaire et de fric
A quoi bon tout ce cirque?
Pour avoir la paix?
Pour un peu de sel et de blé?
Pour se faire un peu de pain?
Pour ne pas crever de faim?
Pour se relever demain?
Recommencer à croire en l’oseille et la thune?
Ou simplement voir le Soleil et la Lune?
Distraits par la bouteille ou la thune
Du réveil au sommeil, chacune reste immune
Aux charmes du Soleil et la Lune
Le Soleil et la Lune
Sans pareil ni rancune
Émerveillent les prunes
Des têtes levées vers le ciel et se voient
Éclairées pareilles quelque soit leur foi
Éclairées pareilles sans exception aucune
Telle est la nature du Soleil et la Lune
Éternellement en veille sur nos processus vitaux
Qui malgré nos égos nous traitent tous égaux
Faisant simplement la fortune de ceux
Qui lèvent la tête
Faisant simplement comme
Chacune de ces autres bêtes
Pour qui
Manger boire dormir sont nulle prise de tête
Il est temps de faire la fête !
Regarde !
Y’a le Soleil et la Lune !
‘Cause it’s your turn.
Burn Baby Burn !
Self-preservation is a logical concern.
Self-immolation rightly seems stern.
Burn Baby Burn !
The log burns exponentially brighter when the right mind is left.
There, where fire sowed life, lives afire seem stress.
Burn Baby Burn !
For the flames you yearn, once your inside’s been stirrn.
When intensity rises to safety you turn.
Only, then again, for the flames you yearn.
Will you die yearning or start burning?
Them wheels keep on churning.
Left, Right or center?
How to stay unwavering when fire licks, kicks and burns?
If it’s true it cannot burn.
The log burns exponentially brighter when the right mind is left.
There, where fire sewed life, lives a fire seamstress.
Just burn !
The only place you’re headed is the urn.
I remember first hearing about the importance of nose breathing when I read the Oxygen Advantage by Patrick McKeown a couple years back. It intrigued me. I experimented with sleeping with my mouth taped shut for 30 days to see if it changed anything. I felt a little more relaxed in the morning when I woke up.
Sometime later as I was reading Born to Run by Christopher McDougall. I vividly recall the story of the Native American tribe who lived to run and produced some of the best long distance runners. How did they train their people to run? Well, you had to keep your mouth full of water for 10 kilometers then at the end of your run you were expected to spit all the water out. I experimented with this too. Almost choking once or twice because I didn’t expect it to be that difficult and require so much attention. It was a fun experiment but it showed me that the point of the exercise was to train you to nose-breathe. I continued running without the water. I didn’t need it.
I used to track my runs and look at my heart rate zones to make sure I was in aerobic breathing for optimal training. After nose breathing for a couple weeks I noticed that if I’m nose-breathing during a run, it’s like a barometer for my aerobic threshold. Essentially the moment I needed to open my mouth I would be leaving the aerobic heart rate zone.
This gives you a pretty simple heuristic, if you need to open your mouth while running it means you’re running too fast. If you want to train for endurance you had better shut your mouth and run.
Then, over the years my interests evolved when I discovered classical hatha yoga as offered by the Isha Foundation. It was all about breathing through your nose too. I was stunned. It produced fantastic results for me. Mental and emotional balance. Physical agility. A sense of exuberance and vibrancy. Who would have guessed that if you use your body the way it is designed, it actually works wonderfully well !
Now when I go to the hospital to see patients I can’t help but notice how many of them are breathing through their mouth. I can’t say it is the only reason they are sick. But it is strongly correlated. What is more amazing to me is the level of ignorance regarding this subject even amongst medical doctors. Most simply don’t know about nose breathing. It is time this changed.
It’s been proven scientifically now that nose breathing activates your parasympathetic nervous system and helps you relax. Mouth breathing activates your sympathetic nervous system. If you chronically mouth breath you are at risk of structural deformations of your face (namely adenoid face), increased risk of sleep apnea, hypertension and even metabolic disorders.
In fact if you mouth breath, you aren’t able to fill your lungs the same way you would if you were to close your mouth. Your body gets less oxygen and can’t use it as well.
Plus your nose is designed for breathing. It warms up the air you inhale, humidifies it, and filters out the dust. But if you mouth breathe it just goes into your lungs without all the needed preparation and transformation. Everything that goes into our bodies needs to be adequately prepared, otherwise it will eventually cause problems. This is why we clean vegetables and process our food, cutting it, cooking it, spicing it up. All this just to make it palatable and easily digestible, in order to absorb as many nutrients as possible.
Your nose in a way digests the air you breath. If you don’t digest your air, you won’t absorb it in the best possible way. Essentially the quality of the air you take in will be worse and you will slowly breathe yourself to disease and ultimately to death.
Now we all know that if the next inhalation does not happen we will fall dead. The breath is that important. But we aren’t always aware that the quality of air we take into our bodies is equally important. How fast your breathe also dictates your lifespan. Animals that breath fast like dogs rarely exceed 25 years old. Whereas animals that can breath much slower like turtles can live up to 190 years. If you breathe through your nose your respiratory process will become more efficient and your breath will eventually settle down and slow down. Health and quality breath are intimately connected.
Please take care of your body. Breath through your nose. If you need to get used to it, sleep with some tape on your mouth to keep it shut for a couple weeks. Test and see the results you get. Who knows, people might even enjoy spending more time with you if you talk less and breath more.
If you’re still wondering how big of a difference mouth breathing and nose breathing makes for your own body you can do a simple 4 minute experiment.
Simply sit down and breath through your mouth for 2 minutes and see how you breath, how you feel, how your chest expands, how deeply you’re able to inhale.
Next shut your mouth for 2 minutes and notice the difference. How does your body feel? More relaxed? Do you breath deeper?
You can take 5 minutes to experiment and see for yourself.
There are so many simple things like this that one can do on a day to day basis to maintain health. As most things, this only works if you do it.
Take care,
And most importantly,
Shut up and breathe.
Why do I treat people differently when I communicate by texting vs when I interact in the flesh?
Every expression I produce is directly impacting another life. Raise the quality and smoothness of each one of these. Be inclusive.
What is the matter if the other is not inclusive? Will you let that determine the quality of your response or will you respond the way you know best?
Will you withhold your best because external situations aren’t always going in your favor? Memento Mori.
A Drop In A Cup
An elderly lady with lethargy I feed
Her body slowing down to the grave
I conflicted, a mother smothering her child
Yet my inclusive embrace sustaining her life
Now, another notion of morality drops
My discerning eyes whet with clarity
T’is yet another mother’s opportunity
To include thy child, to embrace thy child
On the scale from inertia to dynamism
That one drop of life in a cup of lethargy
Is all it takes to tip the scale and lift the veil
Choose inclusive intensity and choose more awareness
Let thy drops fall as the gross becomes subtle
Let the life process attain to maturity
Liberté Égalité Fraternité sont les trois mots de la fameuse devise républicaine datant du XVIIIe siècle et constitue un des pilier de l’identité nationale française. Cependant, aujourd’hui au XXIe siècle, cette trinité républicaine est désormais un oxymore archaïque inadapté à une France moderne.
Qu’est-ce que la Fraternité tout d’abord? Pourquoi cette valeur?
Fondamentalement c’est une valeur qui est censée indiquer la notion d’unité populaire.
Dans le dictionnaire français la fraternité est définie comme un lien de solidarité qui devrait unir tous les membres de la famille humaine. Ou bien le lien qui existe entre les personnes appartenant à la meme organisation, qui participent au même idéal, à savoir dans notre cas, la nation française.
Fraternité et fratrie viennent du mot frère. Quand la république à été fondée, au sein du pêle-mêle de la Révolution Française et des Lumières, il s’agissait de compatriotes et révolutionnaires de sexe masculins. Les femmes n’avaient pas de droit de vote. Et les affaires d’état et de politique étaient réservées aux hommes. Au sein d’une armée il y a une camaraderie et un esprit de fraternité qui se développe spontanément. Dans un tel contexte il est normale d’utiliser le terme de fraternité pour suggérer l’union d’un peuple. Ce n’est qu’au XXe siècle que les femmes ont eu le droit de vote en France. À noter que dans la définition citée précédemment il est dit que la fraternité “devrait unir” tous les membres de la famille humaine, mais qu’il est évident que ce n’est pas le cas puisque plus de 50% de la population est exclue. En anglais le mot “fraternity” possède son opposé logique “sorority”. Et tous deux désignent des sociétés étudiantes où les membres sont de même sexe. L’idée de frère et de soeur est très claire, en anglais. En utilisant le mot Fraternité l’idée d’inclusion y est sous jacente mais le terme est désormais inapproprié dans notre société au XXIe siècle. Si la devise était Liberté Égalité Maternité ou Liberté Égalité Paternité on ne pourrait pas prendre la devise au sérieux. Cela semblerait même absurde. Si nous voulons parler du concept d’unité pourquoi simplement ne pas utiliser le bon mot.
Il est important de changer cela. C’est une idée que l’on intègre inconsciemment et qui nous impact qu’on le veuille ou non. C’est une question d’identité nationale. Une question d’intégrité personnelle et de responsabilité citoyenne. C’est même une question de santé mentale au long terme.
Malgré le fait que la trinité soit censée représenter les français, les Allemands ont littéralement la même devise Freiheit Gleichheit Brüderlichkeit (Liberté Égalité Fraternité). Il serait temps de faire une mise à jour.
Est-ce que nous voulons continuer à diviser les gens et rejeter le sexe sans lequel nous ne serions pas nés?
Est-ce que dans un monde qui vole le pouvoir aux femmes en essayant de les cacher il n’est pas temps de les remettre à pied d’égalité. L’oxymore français de l’Égalité et la Fraternité est archaïque.
Si vous pensez que ceci est d’important et qu’il est temps de moderniser la devise française il y a plusieurs choses que nous pouvons faire. À savoir le changement commence toujours par soi-même, puis en informant les autres.
Après libre à votre imagination et vos capacités pour en faire ce que vous voulez.
Devi Dévie des vies
Bailles ravies oui
Ah, et si je devais dévier?
M’aligner ou dévier?
Ma gauche
J’ai Bhairavi !
Devi: le féminin divin
Bailles: une référence au corps humain.
A, où, M, les sons élémentaires du AUM
Le féminin qui serait du côté gauche du corps
Bhairavi: un nom de déité féminine
Jai Bhairavi ! une louange de Bhairavi en Hindi
St. Valentin
Un sein valent
Teint de rouge
La main tenant
Mon coeur qui bouge
Femme in mine
Qualities devine
Girl all fine
Femme divine
Mother in nine
Crone in time
Let them shine
Oh Feminine
Oh Femme divine
Let’s entwine
Ma ma ma
My Mother Water
Sound universal
Element fundamental
Life making material
Ma ma ma
My Mother Water
Oh Ma!
What would I be without you?
Ma ma ma
My Mother Water
bound by will
’round my mill
ground we’ll till
ground to nil
sound to still
Please announce the speaker…
misspelt mispake
plain Mistake
once off
all fake
mistook it true
Mystic couth
shook untruth
once off